Hiring Process, Salary, and Compensation — Expensify


Hiring Process

We have something truly special: a meticulously assembled team comprised entirely of talented generalists, most of whom have no prior fintech or accounting experience. We love collaborating with brilliant people every day, so we try really hard to find them, no matter where they come from. 

The questions in our job application replace resumes to help us uncover what really drives you. We don’t focus on your background, degree, or years of experience – we’re focused on where you can go, not where you’ve been. So what do we look for? Talent, ambition, and humility.

While we do read every application, we also value and respect our time as well as yours. So rest assured we'll get back to you within a week, whether there's a fit or not. If there's a fit, the interview starts with a phone call, progressing to an all-day onsite if all goes well.

Overall our process moves pretty quickly and can take around three weeks from the time you apply to the time you come for an onsite interview. Once we extend an offer, we work with you to set a start date that works for everyone!

Salary and compensation

Compensation is really, really hard to get right and we work incredibly hard to make our process as fair as possible. We pay all of our employees comfortably above market, and everyone has the opportunity to exchange as much of their salary for equity as they desire.

Every six months, we use a peer-review method to review compensation. All in all, it takes us an astonishing amount of time and energy but we do this because it is crucial to our team, and our team is our most important asset. Check out this short interview where David Barrett explains the process with CBS News.

When deciding compensation, our two governing principles are:

  • External fairness relative to the market - We make every effort to ensure that people at Expensify are compensated comfortably above market.  

  • Internal fairness relative to each other - Everybody should be paid fairly with respect to their peers, which means you should be paid more than those who contribute less than you, and less than those who contribute more than you.

Sounds too good to be true?

See for yourself and check out David, CEO and founder of Expensify, chatting with RunningRemote about Offices Without Walls. You’ll get a sneak peek into David’s unique thinking strategy and our company culture as David tends to be more unconventional than most CEOs. Plus you'll get some great laughs as well!

Meet Our Team

From San Francisco to Portland and London to Melbourne, we’ve got one hell of a team that just can’t stop growing. We’re collaborators, innovators, friends, and for a month each year, travel buddies. Meet our diverse team of Expensifiers!

Meet Our Team